1/26/23- Travel Log: Falcon County Park


-burrs!!!! There are horrible burrs in the short grass of the park. I first find them on my shoes after a walk to the bathroom and pretty soon they are turning up everywhere- in the bed, on Sam, in my pants!
-we switch spots to a pull up next to a green stake that looks somewhat official and spend the day doing online chores, including tracking down and saving the first half of our AT blog, which has been lost in the blogosphere for the past 6 years or so
-the weather is cloudy and a bit chilly and I don’t really want to leave the van, so I mostly don’t. I make a trek to the bathroom a few times but only run into anyone the first time- an older lady with a cigarette sweeping out the bathhouse.
-there seems to be a large community of semi-permanent snowbirds who set up at this campground and it has a bit of strange vibe, but the price is right and everything is tidy and laid-back
-coyotes yipping at night and the field of red lights blinking from the wind farm next door
-something in the tortilla soup I made for supper has given Levi toots. He flips acrobatically to the open fan above the bed to spare us. It has been a long time since we rolled around with helpless laughter- that’s a good feeling.
-tomorrow we move on to boca chica and the beach!